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Special Services: Maritime Groupage

Maritime Groupage Services provided by the Port of Barcelona
Maritime Groupage" is a new service offered by the Port of Barcelona (PB) from the Toulouse Maritime Terminal (tmT), the neutral logistics point approved by the port within the Midi-Pyrénées Region.

"Maritime Groupage" is the result of the co-operation between tmT and five freight forwarders approved by the PB (see list at end). This service allows the maritime transit operators of the region to use the groupage services of the PB from tmT with guaranteed quality standards and at competitive prices.

The main characteristics of the service are

Receipt of goods.
Receipt or delivery of goods at the tmT warehouse (with an option to use the services of collection or distribution of tmT from/to the user's premises).

Road transport.
Road transport service between tmT and the Port of Barcelona (daily shuttle). Maximum departure time from tmT: 19:00 h.

Origins and destinations, Frequencies and Transit Times.
The Port of Barcelona has an offer of worldwide Maritime Groupage services. In particular, services with the Mediterranean, South and Central America and the Far East route offer an excellent combination of frequency, transit time and price, and are now available in Toulouse.

As an example, the following table presents information concerning a sample of 10 ports located in the four areas mentioned earlier.

Country Port Direct
Services Transit Time
Brazil Santos 10 7 per week 12 days
Chile Valparaíso 1 1 per week 38 days
Rio Haina 3 1 per week
1 every 10 days
1 fortnightly
12 days
Mexico Veracruz 7 4 per week
2 fortnightly
13 days
Turkey Istanbul 16 15 per week 6 days
Israel Haifa 5 4 per week 4 days
Lebanon Beirut 7 5 per week 7 days
Morocco Casablanca 11 10 per week 2 days
Hong Kong Hong Kong 7 7 per week 20 days
Korea Pusan 11 11 per week 23 days

Price of the services.
Integrated and closed prices of services Toulouse (tmT)-Destination and vice versa. In all cases, the price includes receipt of the goods at tmT and their delivery at the grouping premises in Barcelona (and the reverse for import).

Service standards.
The groupage service meets the following quality standards:

a. Tracing of the shipment. Commitment to provide information on the status of the shipment within 24 hours, on request of the user. Within 48 hours, and on working days at source and destination, information on the situation of the shipment in the port or platform of the foreland.

b. Information and transparency standard. Commitment to respond to users' requests for information and complaints in a maximum of two working days.

c. Reliability of service standard. Guarantee of daily haulage by road between tmT and the Port of Barcelona.

d. Information on incidences. Rapid communication to the user of any delay or incidence that may have arisen during the haulage of the goods.

e. Safety standards of the goods. Safety system to minimise risks incurred by the goods in the tmT, during road transport and in the platforms in Barcelona, ensuring the confidentiality of the commercial information concerning the users.

Information on the services.
Information in French from the approved grouping agents on the offer and price of the groupage services.

Approved companies providing groupage services


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